From everything I’ve seen over the past few years I have determined that the “art” of being romantic by men has become a lost art.

Men today seem to believe that they really don’t have to be romantic and that showing that they can be gentle, kind and loving is somehow less than manly.

Oh how sad that is. Men not only must be romantic they must know how to show that they are to the one they love.

So here in the pages of this blog we’re going to discover exactly how to be romantic and further, to learn what the word “romantic” really means.

Welcome to my world. I’ve learned thousands of small little secrets through the years that I’m going to share with you on the topic of being romantic. If you’re a real man then you’ll realize that there is more to being romantic than just buying flowers, chocolate and the occasional dinner out. Oh yes, there is so much more.

Be sure to bookmark this page. You’ll not want to miss one single word of what I’ll be sharing with you over the next few months.
